
Policy and Strategy Development

2021: Cambodia Fourth National Health Strategic Plan
Prepared a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion and Health Briefing Paper to inform the Ministry of Health’s development of the Fourth National Health Strategic Plan.

2016-2017: Fiji Health Sector Support Program, DFAT, Australia
Technical support to the Ministry of Health and Medical Services to develop a Gender Implementation Plan to guide the mainstreaming of gender into the health sector. This included an assessment of gender and health in Fiji, stakeholder consultations and the design of gender training for the Ministry’s workforce. 

2014: Gender, Equity and Social Inclusion Strategic Guidance (Pacific), DFAT, Australia
Developed strategic guidance and a monitoring and evaluation framework for Pacific Division to better integrate gender, equity and social inclusion into health programming. Country case studies included Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.

2010-2016: Orissa Health Sector and Nutrition Program (India), DFID
Technical assistance to the Government to develop and monitor a state health equity strategy, and support the government with maintaining an equity focus in its systems strengthening. Read more

2007: TAMA Project (Pakistan), DFID
Technical support to the Provincial Population Welfare Department, Punjab to undertake a situation analysis and develop a five year Population Welfare Strategic Plan for Punjab.

2005-2007: Citizen Voice and Accountability Policy Briefing, DFID
Policy support to strengthen citizen voice and accountability for better education and health services. This work produced a database of DFID support to voice and accountability in the health and education sectors, country case studies in India and Nigeria, and a policy-briefing note on integrating voice and accountability in the health and education sectors. Read more

2004: Guidance on How to Reduce Maternal Deaths from a Rights Based Approach, DFID
Prepared a Guidance Note for DFID on “How to reduce maternal deaths: rights and responsibilities”. This task included case study visits to Ghana and Bangladesh and an accompanying desk review of the added value of a rights based approach to reducing maternal mortality. Read more

2000-2004: Social Development Support to DFID Bangladesh Health Team
This involved policy level dialogue with Government and Development Partners, maintaining an overview of progress and constraints in mainstreaming social development concerns across the sector, and promoting social development opportunities within DFID management agents’ programs of work.

Program Design

2020-2021: Design of DFAT Tonga Health Sector Support Program Phase III
As a member of a multidisciplinary team, responsible for gender equality, disability and social inclusion in the design of DFAT’s support to the health sector. The design was undertaken virtually and included the participation of Ministry of Health, TongaHealth, other government agencies, civil society organisations and development partners.

2020: Gender assessment of Laos Health and Nutrition Services Access (HANSA) Project
Led the gender assessment of the World Bank HANSA project. In response to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the assessment was undertaken through a mix of virtual and in-country stakeholder consultations and field research made possible by having a mixed international and national consultant team. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the assessment prepared a HANSA Gender Action Plan, and operational design of a Gender and Equity Innovation Fund.

2020: Design of DFAT Gender Equality and Social Inclusion CSO Program in Indonesia
Gender equality and social inclusion specialist on the design of DFAT’s flagship civil society program in Indonesia, Australia-Indonesia Partnership Towards an Inclusive Society (AIPTIS). AIPTIS supports CSOs progress gender equality and social inclusion outcomes and promote inclusive democracy.

2018: Design of DFAT bilateral health program to Vanuatu

Gender, equity and social inclusion specialist on the design team. Design process included consultations across DFAT, Government of Vanuatu, civil society organisations, field visits to Tanna and Shefa, and consultations with development partners.

2017-2018: Systems strengthening for effective coverage of new vaccines in the Pacific (Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu) Asian Development Bank
I undertook an analysis of poverty, social exclusion and gender as it relates to health and the project design in each country, developed gender action plans for each country and a baseline for future project monitoring.

2017: Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project (Cambodia), Royal Government of Cambodia/World Bank/Multi-Donor Trust Fund Partners (Australia, Germany and South Korea) Policy Brief & Gender Assessment
Led a gender assessment of H-EQIP to support the Ministry of Health develop practical actions to strengthen the project’s gender responsiveness.

2014-2015: Papua Primary Health Care System Strengthening (Indonesia), DFAT, Australia 
As a member of a multidisciplinary team, led the analysis and design of the demand side component of a new Australian Aid primary health care system strengthening program in Papua, Indonesia.

2013-2014: Maternal and Neonatal Health (Indonesia), DFAT, Australia
Social development and demand side technical support to the design of an Australian Aid maternal and neonatal health program in Indonesia. This included development of a social development strategy, facilitation support to the DFAT design team and a lead role in documentation.

2005-2006: Design of a Maternal and Neonatal Program (Bangladesh), DFID
Design of a program to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality through a rights-based approach.

2003: Reproductive and Child Health Program (India), DFID
Led the social equity and access analysis of the Government of India’s Reproductive and Child Health II Program. Developed strategies for mainstreaming social equity and strengthening the program’s targeting of vulnerable and underserved populations.

2002: Health Sector Support Project, (Cambodia) Asian Development Bank/DFID/World Bank
Led the social assessment of the Health Sector Support Project. The project supported the Government’s shift to sector wide management and mainstreamed social development objectives in the reform agenda.

System Strengthening

2019 - ongoing: Gender and Health Adviser to DFAT 
Provision of desk-based gender advice to DFAT health programmes working at the global, regional and country level. This included the preparation of Guidance for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in COVID-19 Community Engagement and Community Surveillance which was distributed to DFAT investment managers.

2017-ongoing Nepal Health Sector Support Program III Nepal (NHSSP3), DFID
Strategic advice and technical support to enhance the capacity of government to integrate gender and equity in policies, plans, services and budgets to ensure that no one is left behind. Read more

2018-2020: Myanmar Education Quality Improvement Program, DFAT Australia
Support the Ministry of Education strengthen awareness and understanding of social inclusion across the Ministry and integration of social inclusion into policies and quality improvement systems, structures and capacity.

2015 - 2018: Urban Health System Strengthening (Bangladesh), DFID
Technical assistance to support the harmonisation of NGO health service safety nets to the poor and ultra poor in three cities in Bangladesh.

2011-2016: Bihar Strengthening Health, Nutrition and WASH (India), DFID
Social development and demand side technical support including: design, piloting and scaling-up of a women’s group-based participatory learning and action (PLA) intervention for health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); gender and social equity training of health officials and managers; strengthening delivery of government’s community-based convergent health and nutrition services.

2010-2016: Orissa Health Sector and Nutrition Program (India), DFID
Social development and demand side technical support including qualitative study of the effectiveness of frontline health and nutrition providers; development and roll-out of a participatory learning and action program through women’s groups across 15 high burden districts to improve health and nutrition outcomes.

2011-2015: Nepal Health Sector Support Program (NHSSP), DFID
Strategic technical support to government on gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), and mentoring to NHSSP long-term advisers based in Nepal. Outputs include development of operational guidelines and an institutional structure for mainstreaming GESI in the health sector; development and piloting of social auditing tools; piloting of one stop crisis centres for the treatment of gender based violence. Read more

2008-2011: Nepal Support to Safe Motherhood Program (SSMP), DFID
On-going support provided to mainstreaming gender and social inclusion in the national Support to Safe Motherhood Program and its community mobilisation, Equity and Access Program.

2005-2008: PATHS Nigeria, DFID
Technical and capacity building support to the Jigawa State Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Social Development in their leadership and coordination of the demand side activities of the Jigawa State Safe Motherhood Initiative.

Social Accountability

2016-2018 Empowering Communities for Health, RACHA, Cambodia
Strategic technical assistance to the Cambodian NGO, RACHA, in implementation and evaluation of this USAID funded project which leverages the Government’s decentralisation of authority to local Commune Councils to strengthen ownership of health and improve the governance and responsiveness of local services. The project built capacity of key Commune and health actors, strengthened horizontal relationships, facilitated social accountability and raised Commune participation in health. Read more

2016-2017 Health Sector Transition and Recovery Program, Nepal, DFID
Technical support to the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a social accountability tool called Equity Monitoring. Equity monitoring was implemented in three earthquake affected districts under the leadership of the District Health Office and implemented through local district based NGOs. The perceptions of community people, leaders and health actors were collected, rapid assessment of health facilities undertaken and local action plans developed to strengthen health services. Community monitoring via NGOs enabled District Health Officers to get below HMIS data and reach out to remote and highly affected areas that they were unable to visit. Equity monitoring was adopted by the Ministry of Health and Population as an additional tool for its national social audit program with specific relevance in disaster affected and remote areas. Read more

Evaluation and Learning

2021: Marriage: No Child’s Play end of programme evaluation
Funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the More than Brides Alliance implemented the Marriage No Child’s Play programme in five countries (India, Mali, Malawi, Niger and Pakistan) from 2016-2020. The end of programme evaluation complemented a separate impact evaluation undertaken by Population Council. The end of programme evaluation was undertaken by a multi-country team and included secondary review of data, virtual key informant interviews and virtual focus group discussions with members of youth groups and community gatekeepers. I led the India and Pakistan country evaluations. 

2020-2021: Gender, disability and social inclusion review of IVCC’s Indo-Pacific Initiative
Led the gender, disability and social inclusion review of IVCC’s program of work in Asia and the Pacific. The review focused on projects testing new vector control technologies in Cambodia and Papua New Guinea. Consultations were held with a number of research organisations partnering with IVCC on the program, and produced a set of recommendations for how IVCC can mainstream gender, disability and social inclusion in the organisation and its work.

2019: Gender review of the Pacific Community’s Public Health Division 
Led a gender review of the Public Health Division’s business plan, to identify how to improve the gender equality outcomes of the division’s programmes. This included the Clinical Services Programme (CSP), Non-communicable Disease Prevention and Control Programme (NCD-PCP), Health Security Surveillance, Preparedness and Response Programme (SPRP) and the work of the Office of the Director.

2016: Cambodia Health Project, USAID
Member of a multidisciplinary team that undertook the mid-term evaluation of a portfolio of complementary but independently operated USAID health projects namely Quality Health Services, Empowering Communities for Health, and Social Health Protection. 

2012: Nepal, DFID
Participatory ethnographic evaluation and research into barriers to accessing services. Read more

2009: MDG5 Evidence Paper, NORAD and DFID
A member of a multidisciplinary team commissioned by DFID and NORAD to review the global evidence on the best strategies to help secure MDG5. My focus was on access and equity, gender, community approaches and community health workers, health financing mechanisms, citizen voice and accountability, advocacy, and human rights. Read more

2006-2007: Health VIII Project (China), DFID and World Bank
External evaluation of the Government of China, World Bank and DFID funded Health VIII Project targeting the poorest regions in China. The evaluation focused on institutional strengthening, access to health services and maternal and child health outcomes; I led the access component. The evaluation was undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team of international and Chinese experts.

2004: Nepal Safer Motherhood Project, DFID
Review of the increasing access component of the project, and synthesis evaluation of the entire project.

The above comprises a selection of our works, for more details & information please get in touch.